Our Services

GMS can support you and your institution in the grant cycle from start to finish.

Our services include:

  • Meet with your Board, Grants Manager, Executor and Investment Banker to understand your needs and your mission
  • Help you write and launch your RFP
  • Receive, review and score incoming grantee proposals
  • Present proposals to the client/grantor for feedback and determination
  • Solicit additional details, information and amendments from the grantee
  • Provide oversight and monitoring during the life-cycle of the grant for the client
  • Ensure the grantee is in compliance with the terms of the grant
  • Conduct post-op evaluation of the grant-funded program/project
  • Present post-op evaluation to the client/grantor

Our Mission is to help you save time, stay focused on your mission and social purpose, and ensure that gifted funds are used responsibly and transparently.

GMS works in a specialty niche.

  Our services meet a unique set of needs for grantors and philanthropists.  Larger institutions may have a team or specialists who provide full-time grants management services and smaller funds may have volunteers or family members manage the grant process.  Small, medium or large, we can support your philanthropic endeavors when and where support is needed and fill in gaps that limited time and resources may have created. 

Let’s work together